The Intermountain Ski Areas Association (ISAA) is a non-profit trade organization started in the 60’s by individuals in the ski industry who saw a need to bring our area ski industry together.  We focus on providing our membership of resorts, suppliers and regulatory authorities opportunities for training, exchange of ideas and to foster relationships in order to enhance the guest skiing experience in Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming. 


1.      Convention:  Membership gives resort members the opportunity to send an unlimited number of attendees to the annual convention.  Our annual convention brings resort & supplier members together to learn from industry experts, find out what is working and not working and connect with suppliers for solutions. 

2.      Employee Benefits:  Resorts can also participate in our Employee Benefit program.  This benefit program provides benefit cards to employees of resorts giving discounts (usually 50% off day pass) to use at all other participating resorts.  If your resort chooses not to provide discounts for other participating resorts, they will be unable to utilize the employee benefit, but can utilize the convention in June.

3.      Education:  Convention classes provide opportunities for employees to learn new skills and keep up to date with information pertaining to their jobs.

4.      Networking:  Resort employees have occasions at the conference and year-round to connect with peers and suppliers.

Resort Annual Dues 2025/26


1.      Convention:  Membership annual dues provide an opportunity for a vendor/associate to register to participate in the annual convention. Vendors can also rent space at the trade show and choose from several sponsorship options, as well as be a part of our ISAA network throughout the year. 

2.     Employee Benefits:  Vendor/Associates can also participate in our Employee Benefit program.  This benefit program provides benefit cards to member employees which gives them discounts (usually 50% off day pass) to use at all participating resorts. 

3.      Education:  Convention classes provide opportunities for employees to learn new skills and keep up to date with information pertaining to their jobs.

4.      Networking:  Employees have occasions at the conference and year-round to connect with peers and resorts.

Vendor Annual Membership Dues 2025/26